Terminator Update for 3.30.18
almost 7 years ago
– Sat, Mar 31, 2018 at 01:18:14 AM
Hello Everyone,
The last few weeks have been a whirlwind for me. I ran into some health issues that required a bit of surgery (all good now...and yes, I know some of you don’t want to know about that AT ALL)--but things are better now and I’m making up for lost time and trying to keep things all moving forward.
First, let’s talk about a boring, but important update:
This week I have been working with our primary sculptor on the Terminator miniatures. The process I’ve been working with him on is one that isn’t exciting sounding stuff . It’s about building in the correct framework for the files to go from 3D Printed minis that you’ve all seen to the mold-ready sculpted pieces they need to be for final production (and approval by Arnold himself). It doesn’t change the look of them one bit. It’s just part of the manufacturing process. This is the kind of thing that I would consider to be part of the day-to-day update information you’d see in a weekly update.
Second, let’s talk about how to do updates going forward.
Some of you want to see updates every week. Some of you only want to see updates when they are absolutely necessary. Unfortunately there isn’t a button for that on Kickstarter.
The only way, it seems, to make everyone happy is to go the route of “Update Newsletter” for the regular updates that include both day-to-day and personal information for those of you that do want to see that kind of thing. And to leave the larger, albeit stoic, updates as bullet points that function like Terminator Update milestones.
For those of you that would like to see those regular day-to-day styled updates - you can click here: https://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=pv6hjvdab&p=oi&m=1103447193263&sit=uje7jydfb&f=f40894ae-9a87-4d6b-86dc-bb81d6ad687e
Pop in your email address and you’re done.
For those of you that only want the major updates here, you don’t have to do anything at all.
That’s it for this week!
Until next time...yes, I will in fact...be back...
Terminator Update 2.28.18
almost 7 years ago
– Thu, Mar 01, 2018 at 12:03:19 AM
Hello Everyone --
This week I wanted to show you pages from the rulebook with the new rules I have been talking about in place for you to review and ask questions about -- but I have been under the weather, and haven't gotten that finished just yet. As I write this I'm not feeling terribly well, but like the post office of old - no rain nor sleet nor snow is going to keep me from posting this update (but the medicine I'm on right now is trying its best).
I should have it ready for you to look at next week.
Until next time --
I'll be back
Terminator Update for 2.21.18
almost 7 years ago
– Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 09:45:32 PM
Hello Everyone (I dropped the terrible Terminator puns)! --
Another week -- another update!
This week the Terminator portion of my brain has been working on updating the rulebook to properly reflect the changes that I mentioned last week and making a few minor graphics tweaks to the game. Nothing terribly interesting -- but all of it very necessary to ensure that you have a great game that's easy to understand when it hits your table.
This is just about the most boring that a weekly update can get - but I do think it's important that we stay in touch even when there isn't much exciting to say to make sure you know we're making progress.
With that said -- that's about all I have this week!
Until next time -- REMEMBER --
I'll be back!
Terminator Update for 2.14.18
almost 7 years ago
– Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 11:33:24 PM
Happy Valentine's Day Terminatorians!
I know, the valentine I pulled off the Internet is technically from T2 and not in anyway affiliated with this game -- but come on...that's funny.
I half expected to find official Valentine's from the 80s when I looked -- the 80s, for those of you who aren't old enough to remember -- were a weird time. Far weirder than The Goldbergs would lead you to believe.
Anyway -- let's talk Terminator: The Official Board Game. Some of you were requesting more details on how the combat system has been updated after I posted last week. In short, I've moved things to a more dice based system. You roll your number of dice that is equal to your attack value for successes if you are attacking, and the same for defense if you are defending.
Cards can help you modify these results (for example the previous damage cards can now be used, if you have one in your hand, to change one of your dice failures into a success if you are defending yourself).
This doesn't have a dramatic effect on the game design, other than giving me an opportunity to balance things a bit with the card stats.
This week I'm deep diving into the graphic elements of the game to even a few things out, and then the book will be closed on that side of things. After that, it'll just be a matter of updating the text in the rulebook and modifying a few cards!
That's it for this week!
Until next time -- remember...
I'll be back!
Terminator Update 2.07.18
almost 7 years ago
– Thu, Feb 08, 2018 at 12:25:00 AM
Hello Everyone!
Another week -- another update --
Victor and I met today to go over the details and prep for his starting at the end of the week. He will begin taking over direct messages in the next few days -- so be on the lookout if you're waiting for a reply! He'll need some time to ramp up, but we'll have this HK-Tank running smoothly before you know it!
On the game front itself, two important things happened this past week.
1) I finished making adjustments to the combat system, and I'm happy with where everything is at. It's not a crazy shift for the game, but I do think things are refined in a positive way, and I'm very happy with it.
2) I had a long conversation with a new manufacturing partner that was very productive. It's always tricky finding the right time to speak with the other side of the world -- but as some of you have probably noticed, I tend to stay up pretty late. So we were able to set up a meeting in the wee hours of the morning over the weekend and have some good discussions on keeping things moving ahead.
As we've discussed before the Chinese New Year is almost upon us, and most of the companies shut down during this time, but thankfully we'll still be able to move forward with a few parts of the process to keep our momentum going.
That's all for this update!
Remember --
I'll be back!