
The Terminator™: The Official Board Game

Created by Space Goat Productions, Inc.

An asymmetrical strategy game played across two boards based off of the iconic 1984 James Cameron film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Alternate T-800 Late Stretch Goal
almost 8 years ago – Sat, Apr 01, 2017 at 12:22:50 AM

Attention Resistance Soldiers:

Just a quick update before the weekend. Mostly we have been working on logistical stuff in the office (Shipping, manufacturing logistics, looking over the questionnaire, figuring out SKUs, fulfillment hubs, just real exciting stuff). 

But we have a cool couple things we can give you before the weekend.

1) An extra 1984 Arnold T-800 figure will be added to the core game (the same model as in the game already). It turns out after testing that was the only figure we needed to add to make sure that you won't need any cardboard tokens while you're playing the core game.

2) We are going to have late pledge/pledge manager stretch goals! We're still working on details but one of them will be the Alternate T-800! If we get enough funding through late pledges and add-ons to cover the mold cost, we'll be adding the alternate T-800 to the core game! (He would replace the duplicate Arnold).

3) That BoardGameGeek social stretch goal is still live! If we can get 1000 subscribers on the Terminator BGG page, we'll add 6 Torso Endoskeletons to the Termination Box!


We'll update again sometime next week.

We'll be back.

Team Space Goat

Card Stretch Goals and Questionaire
almost 8 years ago – Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 12:05:00 AM

Attention Resistance Soldiers,

Thanks so much for taking the time to fill out the Optional Buy Questionnaire! We have been getting some great feedback from you all and we really appreciate it.

We are closing the Questionnaire tonight, so please fill it out if you have not already. But in the meantime, we do have some changes/clarifications we want to make based on your feedback.

  • The Enemy of my Enemy Expansion is still happening! We just forgot to add it to the survey.
  • Bundles are also still happening. We didn't put them in the survey on purpose so we could get accurate counts for individual add-ons.
  • One of the vehicles included in the Road Rage Pack will be the resistance vehicle! Lynnvander is adding some extra stuff to 2029 with that pack and they told us it will fit perfectly with what they have planned.
  • As of this time, we cannot put a Bill Paxton punk figure in the game because we currently don't have the rights to use Bill Paxton's likeness.
  • All of the art in the core game will have illustrated art. The photo cards are just a bonus for people who want to swap them out or have them as collector's items.
  • Speaking of cards, we talked with Lynnvander and our manufacturer and we will be able to add all of the locked card stretch goals to your pledges! So the core games will now have 5 additional action cards for John Connor, Kyle Reese, and Lt. Traxler.
  • We also found out production wise, it'll be a lot easier to give you the last T-800 photo card than not, so that will be added to your pledges as well! We will be putting all of the photo cards in a separate pack from the main game. (You should all still follow Lynnvander on Twitter though)

Production Updates:

  • Visual assets for the core game are just about finished, we're doing color correction and tweaking, but the grand majority of it is done!
  • Lynnvander is continuing to polish the main game; right now it's down to the nitty-gritty of stat balancing.
  • We should be getting in weights and dimensions from our manufacturer soon. Once we have those we'll be able to figure out shipping costs and get those entered into Backerkit. 

We will have another update later this week with Questionaire results. Remember if you have any questions, you can always message us in the Kickstarter DMs or email us at [email protected]

We'll be back,

Team Space Goat

Optional Buy Questionaire
almost 8 years ago – Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 11:31:36 PM

Attention Resistance Soldiers:

Thanks for your patience while we recharged. But now we're back and raring to go!

To start with, we have been looking at responses in the last update and our DMs about what optional buys you all would want. After seeing some patterns, we've put together an informal questionnaire about optional buys.

You can access it here:

We want to make sure we're a) offering optional buys that you all want and b) not offering optional buys that no one is excited for. The questionnaire only has 3 questions, so please fill it out! We'll be closing the questionnaire next Monday (3/27).

We're going to use the results of this to figure out what other optional buys we should add and if there's any we want to cut. If we do end up cutting an optional buy, we will lower the price of the bundle it's included in and reimburse any extra funds backers have for optional buys we're no longer offering.

General Production Updates:

  • Initial concept art is in for the Skynet Mainframe and once we have it finalized, we'll be sure to share it out with you!
  • The majority of the art is completed for the main game and once that's done we'll be getting stuff finalized for the optional buys.
  • Lynnvander is hard at work polishing up the core game and testing the optional buys. We'll have a bigger progress update from them soon.

Thanks again for all your support, and be sure to fill out the questionnaire: It will be closing next Monday!

We'll be back,

Team Space Goat

183% Funded!! Thank you so much!!
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 11:38:20 PM

Attention Resistance Soldiers:  

Thank you so much! With your help we are now able to make Terminator: The Official Board Game a reality! We couldn't have done it without all of your help and support. We even broke one last stretch goal in the final hours!

Next Steps:  

  • Kickstarter will be processing payments over approximately the next week, so be sure to have your credit card information updated within Kickstarter. 
  • We are talking with our manufacturers and fulfillment partners to get weights and shipping costs figured out. When that's done, we'll be sending out pledge managers via Backerkit for everyone to confirm their optional buys and shipping. 
  • Lynnvander is going to be hard at work making sure all of the games and add-ons get the living bejeezus tested out of them, and we'll be updating you every step of the way. 
  • We've seen requests that some of the stretch goals that weren't reached get turned into optional buys. We will probably do an informal survey soon to see what ones you all would be interested in. But in the meantime, please let us know in the comments of this update what ones you'd like to see!  

Again, thank you so much for all of your support for this game! We couldn't have done it without you. We're going to go silent for the weekend as we recharge and regroup, but expect another update next week!  

We'll be back,  

Team Space Goat

 P.S. Locked Social Stretch Goals are still fair game ;)

More Gameplay Info and Last Few Hours!
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 09:33:48 PM

Attention Resistance Soldiers:

We've gotten even more new backers since last night! Thank you so much for all of your support.  We're in the last hours of the campaign, so we wanted to share some more gameplay info with you all!

Skynet T-800 and Stingers (2029)  

The T-800 forms the core of any Skynet force. Slower than Resistance units, the T-800's toughness and raw firepower give it the edge. However, if the Resistance characters in 1984 can keep tight control over mission cards, the resulting lack of resources for Skynet in 2029 can make building an army of T-800s difficult.  

Complimenting the T-800 is the Stinger: a small flying hunter-killer robot that can cross the battlefield quickly and obliterate the Resistance from above. It's not as tough as the T-800 and can only attack at short range, but its ability to swoop in and wipe out a couple Resistance soldiers makes it a valuable asset in keeping the Resistance away from supply caches.  


Every mission in the game occurs in 1984. 

Each faction has a Core Mission card: Skynet must kill Sarah Connor; The Resistance must destroy the Terminator. A deck of additional mission cards provide minor objectives for Skynet and the Resistance to fight over, and each has an immediate ripple effect on the 2029 board.  

Take Defense Contractors for example: if the Terminator can hunt down and eliminate these engineers, it immediately makes progress on developing the 2029 HK-Tank. If the Resistance can protect the contractors instead, development of the HK-Tank stalls.  

Similarly, the Aerial Drone R&D mission directly impacts Skynet's ability to field Stingers in 2029. If the Resistance manages to destroy the prototype, the Stinger's existence is set back and 2 are immediately removed from the 2029 board. Otherwise, Skynet fully develops the Stinger and immediately places several of them in 2029.  

 There's only a few hours left, so be sure to get the word out on the campaign! Share it via Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Smoke signal, Myspace, Friendster, or *shudder* actually pick up the telephone and call someone about it.

Some other notes for our new backers:  

  • If you use the Kicktraq browser add-on while commenting on the site, it helps us in ranking and gets the project in front of more eyeballs. If there's a stretch goal you have your eyes on, this is an easy way to help: 
  • If you're interested in any optional buys on the front page, but aren't sure how to adjust your pledge, there's a great video here explaining the whole process.

Thanks again for all of your support!

We'll be Back,

Team Space Goat