
The Terminator™: The Official Board Game

Created by Space Goat Productions, Inc.

An asymmetrical strategy game played across two boards based off of the iconic 1984 James Cameron film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Terminator Update 1.3.18
almost 7 years ago – Sat, Feb 03, 2018 at 09:56:44 PM

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Terminator Update 2.1.18
about 7 years ago – Thu, Feb 01, 2018 at 12:43:07 AM

Hello Everyone!

It's creeping up on 2:25 am CST on Thursday, Feb, 1st, 2018 -- it's been an incredibly long day (still spiritually Weds for me, but I'll concede if you want to press the issue that this is a Thursday update) -- but I'm here!

This update is going to be brief -- primarily because my eyes are about to shut as I type this -- but it will also be important!

First of all - this week's progress on the game is centered around the combat mechanics.  

This is one of the main areas where I'm going to be making some tweaks, and this week my focus is completely on making those adjustments. The main reason for this just to simplify how the game is played, and to reduce the number of rule variations you need to remember when you're at the table trying to crack open some endoskeletons at 2:00 am.

This won't have an effect on components, the timetable, or anything like that -- I'll just be making sure there is some consistency between the way combat works in the past and in the future.

The fact that I'm making these adjustments is not my big news for the week, though.

No -- my big news this week is about a new addition to the team -- a few updates ago I mentioned Victor Brown, the co-designer of Bitten, and a lifelong friend of mine.  Victor has been working in customer service for the better part of the last decade, primarily handling customer emails and support issues for a digital media company -- and he also happens to be a fantastic game designer.

So, with those credentials in mind, I'm very happy to announce that Victor will be joining me here on projects at Space Goat.  Vic will be handling direct messages on the Space Goat Kickstarter campaigns, starting next week. 

For those of you that have expressed that direct message contact has been an issue -- I want you to know that we're listening and we're addressing that issue.  Once Victor gets up to speed on everything he'll be making sure that everyone is getting responses in a timely fashion, and that any issues you may have are addressed to the best of our abilities. 

Vic and I will be working closely together on this to make sure we get everyone taken care of, and that going forward you will be able to know and trust that we'll be answering your questions and emails as promptly as possible. 

Now -- WHY CAN'T VICTOR START TODAY?!?!  You ask very loudly into your computer monitor even though I can't hear you because I'll be asleep by the time you read this?

Because in a few hours Victor is going to be welcoming his son into the world. Lil Vic should be here sometime later today -- and The Browns are going to need some family time to rest up and get ready for their latest venture into parenthood.

So later next week, after they've had a minute to catch their breath, Vic will be geared up and ready to go.

I'm slowly losing my ability to put words in the order correct -- so I think it's time to call it a morning -- but feel free to leave comments below, and I'll answer them sometime Thursday afternoon.

Until next time -- remember ---

I'll be back!


Terminator Update 1.24.18
about 7 years ago – Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 12:38:50 AM

Hello Terminatorades! (Nope..that doesn't work)

It's 10:14pm CST as I type this -- my latest update on a Wednesday yet -- but man, this has been a productive week.  

Today, I sat down with some of the Space Goat higher-ups at The Game Closet in Waco, Texas.

After Terminator hit the table I made my pitch for the changes I want to make to streamline the rules and update some of the gameplay.  Mostly this is making minor mechanical changes, stat tweaks, and rule simplification to make the game as accessible as possible.  My hope is that hardcore grognards like myself can have a satisfying gaming experience without confusing the hell out of Terminator fans that are new to hobby gaming.



Things went very well, and I'm happy to say that we have the green light to move forward which gets us even closer to knocking our timeline out.

Now, you might be wondering if making rules changes like this is going to slow down production.  It would make sense if it did -- and any other time of year it might...but Chinese New Year is upon us in February.  

During this time most Chinese manufacturers shut down for several weeks to allow factory workers an extended visit with their families and friends -- which means manufacturing slows to a crawl during this time of the year anyway.

Which makes it the perfect time to make these adjustments and additions without impacting our timeline -- so my goal is to have all of this completed before the end of the Chinese New Year break to ensure everything stays ahead of schedule.

Now -- I have been in full-on Terminator mode since 11:30 am -- and my brain is slightly fried -- so please excuse any typos or grammatical nightmares in this update.  I'm going to get some rest so I can get back to it first thing in the morning!

Until next time -- remember...

I'll be back!


Terminator Update for 1.17.18
about 7 years ago – Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 01:02:16 AM

 This. Game. Is. HUGE! 

It’s Wed, so welcome to another Terminator update.

This past weekend I ventured down to San Antonio on Saturday to take a closer look at Pax South 2018. The show was interesting. It was a little smaller than I expected — and not quite as crowded as I would have thought — but everyone in attendance seemed to be having a good time, and every vendor I spoke with had nothing but positive things to say about the show.

It’s nice to see tabletop games getting some nice featured placement along with their video game brethren. 

On Monday…THIS arrived… 

Of course, I immediately did a deep dive into the box and began setting things up. And...WOW! This game is MASSIVE! Everything initially fit nicely on my dining room table. But since this game is going to be my life for the next few weeks AT LEAST, I needed a more permanent way to set it up. So after a quick trip to to the store, I came back with 2 new tables in my office space, and a short while later Terminator was ready to play. Look at this massive game you all are getting!

Now — before you start eagle eyeing the board here — let me say these minis are not all to scale.
They were printed at different sizes for different reasons on our 3D printers. The prototype game I was sent also has tokens to represent all of the minis for gameplay, but I wanted to run through things with the minis because I prefer it…plus, I think they make for better pictures when showing you guys how things are going to look when you have this MASSIVE game on your table. Today I sat down with Victor Brown, co-designer of BITTEN (available now from Playgrim Games! :P ), and we put Terminator through its paces.





I’m going to be making some tweaks and updates to the game before it hits your hands. Mostly in balancing the rules and missions, but I’m extremely pleased that the game is where it's at right now. It’s solid. It’s fun — and it damn sure makes a statement when you see it on the table. 

OH! Before I forget --

The Terminator: The Official Board Game has been nominated on Board Game Geek for Most Anticipated Sci-Fi Game of 2018!  Evil Dead 2 has also been nominated for Most Anticipated Horror Game of 2018!  

You can click here to head over to BGG and cast your vote and help us get Terminator and Evil Dead to the top of the list!  

Now…I’ve been nursing a pretty serious migraine for most of the day, so I’m going to take a break from the computer screen for a while — but I’ll be back to answer any questions later tonight and tomorrow 

But right now I have another box to take a look at…

Until next time! Remember…. 

I’ll be back! 


Terminator Update 1.10.18
about 7 years ago – Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 12:11:55 AM

Hello Everyone!

It’s Wednesday — and that means its time for an update!

A prototype of the game is on its way to me as I type this — including some fantastic looking prototype-resin miniatures. As soon as these are in my hands, I’ll take some photos with my play-testing group for you to see it in action like I mentioned last week.

I have spent a great deal of time on the phone this week with key vendors discussing the best possible way to get Terminator into your hands, and things are looking good.

The manufacturing and fulfillment side of board games is always something that is ultimately out of the publisher’s hands once the files have been sent off — but this is the best time in the history of board games for publishers to get competitive prices and — more importantly — the best possible communication and customer service. Why? Because competition has never been more fierce in this markets than it is now.

The other thing that is extremely valuable from these conversations is getting the chance to learn from the experience of these manufacturing and fulfillment partners. Talking to new and different groups is helping us to formulate the best possible plan to get Terminator into your hands — and so far their advice and insight have been absolutely stellar.

More on that in the near future.

This week I have also been diving head-first into a full-on Terminator overload by rewatching the entire film series while I work (yes — even “Terminator: Salvation”). I have to say…being able to say “Yes — I DO have to keep watching these movies…it’s for WORK!” is pretty damn great.

Now — with that boring text stuff out of the way — let’s look at some photos!

This week we’re taking a closer look at some of the printed miniatures. These are from Space Goat's own 3D printer. They are incredible, and I cannot wait to see what some of you do with these once you can paint them!





FINALLY — I have a question for you…

Are any of you attending Pax South in San Antonio, TX this weekend?

If so — let me know! I may be heading down there for a one day look around on Saturday or Sunday, and it’d be great to say hello to some of you!

Until next week —

“I’ll be back”

(Yes, I am going to do that every week. I apologize in advance)
